C-Suite Conversation: Addie Swartz - CEO, reacHIRE
January, 2025
We’re starting a new year with a fresh look at re-energizing two huge pools of talent. Addie Swartz, the CEO of reacHIRE tells us how she helps people re-entering the workforce not just find a placement, but, through a six-month program of support (called “Returnships”), get the mentorship, training, and comfort they need to thrive and stay with their new employer. She calls them “returners,” and emphasized with us that a ‘career break should not be a career breaker’.
We’re inspired by her work not only with those re-entering the workplace, but those who may feel stuck within their existing work. Often times, mid-level or entry-level workers (and often women) may feel like a rung is missing in that ladder they are hoping to climb. Addie’s visionary work helps these workers create strategies to drive their own future and success, and also helps companies develop programs to grow engagement, build belonging, and engender loyalty.
As the work of reacHIRE has found, and has been supported by external research, the investment of a company into the development of its workforce can only have net positive benefits to a company’s morale and profitability.